Red Callaloo Leaf Amaranth

Red Callaloo Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) is a variety primarily grown for its edible young leaves, which have a gorgeous red on green variegated patterning. As the name suggests, this species is associated with the West African dish Callaloo (although other leafy greens are also used). Amaranths thrive in hot summer climates, making this variety an ideal source for summer greens where collards, kales and spinaches can’t be easily grown. If you can get away with growing other greens, Callaloo makes a striking addition to braising/baby stir-fry mixes. The black seeds that form from flowering heads are also edible and can be used as a grain like porridge.

Amaranth is an annual plant that can be started in late spring and needs approximately 100 days to seed.

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