Bee Balm / Wild Bergamot

This mint family perennial (Monarda fistulosa), also known as Wild Bergamot or Lavender Bergamot, grows delicate crown-shaped pale pastel purple flowers and foliage with a scent reminiscent of the bergamot citrus. The entire Monarda genus has been historically used as a cold tea, topically as a wound poultice, and as a food / seasoning. One popular contemporary use is making Bee Balm Flower-infused Honey.

These plants need some care in the seeding and transplant stage, but are well worth the attention. Once established Bee Balm is quite hardy; the plant has a rhizomatic growth habit but doesn't aggressively spread. If you plant seeds early enough in spring you will get flowers within its first year of growth. On a lark we inter-planted our Bee Balm plants with actual lavender (Lavendula sp.) thinking it would be pretty to see have the two blooming together. It worked out quite well, actually.

120 days to bloom from seed. Perennial.
Seeds are certified organic.

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